Consultation on International Development Cooperation Project Over the Whole Cycle
Explore – Plan – Implement – Assess ODA Project

We pursue mutual growth by sharing with developing countries Korea’s experience of making economic growth possible.

ODA 컨설팅 다이어그램
사업 발굴 및 형성 아이콘
Exploration and Development
Korean government’s international cooperation project
Establishing ODA master plan
Research on development strategy of partner countires
Research on international organizations and multilateral development banks (MDBs) project
Knoweldge sharing project such as KSP/ EIPP
사업 설계 아이콘
Business Planning
Feasibility Study (FS)
Basic Design Study (BDS)
Consulting on detailed design
본 사업 수행 및 관리 아이콘
Implementation and Management
PMC project
Technical coopertaion
Education and invitation to training
사업 평가 아이콘
Project outcome management
Assessment of influence
Completion and post evaluation
Portfolio evaluation by country
Assessment of sectors
Regional Performance Outcome


· Nepal

· Laos

· Cambodia

· Philippines

· Indonesia

· Pakistan

· Vietnam


(2 Countries)



Latin America





Middle East·CIS

(1 Countries)


Carried out 21 projects in 14 countries in recent 3 years

Domestic/International Environment Analysis and Policy Guideline
Analysis of Macro Environment and Economic Feasibility

We lead trends in new industries through an external environment analysis.

· Forecasting macro economic trends and analyzing industrial trends, new technology and new industries

· Advising on national project policies

경제 및 산업 현안 분석 아이콘

Analyze Current Economic and Industrial Issues

정핵과제 및 어젠다 발굴 아이콘

Explore Project Agenda

공공 민간 정책 컨설팅 아이콘

Consult on Public / Private Policies

Designing Business Models for International Development Cooperation
Designing Business Models to Secure Self-Growth

We design international development cooperation business models where a recipient country can create their own values and the donor country can grow together.

· Establishing a sustainable business model by participating in the process of exploring and developing ODA projects and by providing consultation

· Maximizing effects of ODA project by working together with the recipient government to identify and set up plans for projects the recipient country needs through a high–level talk between the Korean government, the recipient country and HRI

· The ODA project, designed based on the strategic agreement among the three parties, will enhance the recipient country’s trust toward Korean ODA and will contribute to the development of participating companies and their expansion into foreign markets

· Supporting partner institutions for their expansion of ODA project areas by providing an international cooperation roadmap and ODA project models according to each institution and sector