메인비주얼 영역

Industrial Innovation
Energy, Climate, Environment
Sustainable Growth & Development
Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation

Industrial Innovation
Growth starts from innovation.
We are committed to creating an ecosystem for industrial innovation with a view to exploring new growth engines.

Energy, Climate, Environment
We plan to supply and demand energy as an industrial driving force, while designing the energy industry as a national growth engine.

Sustainable Growth & Development
Today, Korea’s growth depends on its regions. We will open opportunities for industrial and economic growth by taking advantage of regional characteristics and capabilities.

Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation
Our dream came true – Tours to Geumgangsan Mountain, and the Gaeseong Industrial Complex!
We are one step ahead in preparing for economic cooperation between South and North Korea.

Corporate Education
Hyundai Learning Center is an institution that has educated human resources for the corporate world for more than 40 years.
It provides optimal group and online curricula, while working together with its partner companies to identify current issues and provide HRD Solution

It provides daily updates of refined knowledge from the best global and Korean experts in the fields,
giving learners wisdom and insights necessary to become leaders. This is Korea’s No. 1 Microlearning service awarded the Design Grand Prize by Web Award Korea.

Expatriate Training
Hyundai Learning Center provides programs such as Global Communication,
Expatriate Training, and KOTRA Academy (Regional Expert) - all professionally developed to help individuals in charge of overseas businesses to successfully perform their international duties

Teacher Training
Based on the Ministry of Education certification, this educational training institute develops and coordinates varied training courses to help teachers enhance “core skills” to fulfill their duties. For Teachers SAMTV is a microlearning service for teachers of Hyundai Learning Center.

ODA Consultation
We pursue mutual growth by sharing with developing countries Korea’s experience of making economic growth possible.

ODA Capacity Building Program
Hyundai Research Institute carries out an ODA Capacity Building Program in partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and with varied government agencies/institutions to contribute in achieving sustainable development goals.